Top 5 FAQ about Male Infertility, Low Sperm Count
How Long Does It Take For A Man To Refill Sperm?
The male body replenishes or produces fresh sperms through a process called spermatogenesis. This process takes about 64 days to complete starting from division of diploid sperm cells to maturation of sperms. However, testicles produce about few millions sperms per day, approximately 1500 per second.

When one full cycle of spermatogenesis completes male has about 8 billion sperms in kitty. Male body ejaculates all the live sperms in epididymis but saves for few for second ejaculation. Males trying to conceive shall wait for 2-3 days between two ejaculations to increase chances of conception.The male body replenishes or produces fresh sperms through a process called spermatogenesis. This process takes about 64 days to complete starting from division of diploid sperm cells to maturation of sperms. However, testicles produce about few millions sperms per day, approximately 1500 per second.

How Much Sperm Does A Man Produce A Day?
It varies due to various factors. Males not in very sound health or later age of life may not produce as many sperms as healthy 20 year old may. In the same way sickness, infections, habits, diet and lifestyle also vary sperm production from male to male.
In general testicles produce about few million sperms in a day which seems pretty high. But also note that in each millimeter of semen body ejaculates about 20 to 300 million sperms. Doctors and medical experts recommend that males trying to impregnate a woman shall stop ejaculating at least a week before ovulation for maximum chances of conception.
Week long abstinence allows body to ejaculate higher number of moving sperms which can reach ovum easily. Irrespective of one’s age and health a resting period of 3-4 days is sufficient to ejaculate maximum number of live sperms.
Can A Man With Low Sperm Motility Get A Woman Pregnant?
A male with low sperm motility can impregnate a woman only by luck and nothing else. However, this problem is less serious than low sperm count and easy to treat. For a male to be 100% fertile he should ejaculate at least 40% of motile sperm out of his total sperm count.
Sperm motility is ability of sperms to swim or move. It can also be called sperm mobility. The motility of sperms is as important for conception as sperm count. Males having low sperm motility may find difficult to impregnate a healthy and fertile woman.
When male ejaculates the motile sperms swim through cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes to reach ovaries, where they fertilize mature egg to cause conception if sperms are not moving fast enough these may die in the way and leave egg unfertilized. Males even with sufficient number of sperms but with low motility may not be able to impregnate a woman. Low sperm motility is medically referred as asthenospermia or asthenozoospermia.
Does Masturbating Affect Sperm Count?
Yes it does. Males in habit of masturbation ejaculate too frequently which reduces number of healthy and motile sperms in semen. Even if a male is healthy and his testicles are producing healthy sperms in optimum number frequent discharge can reduce number too low and pose difficulty in conception. What masturbation does is that it reduces level of testosterone as well.
Reduced level of this hormone affects functions of testicles and hinders production of sperms. Males in habit of masturbation since long time or performing it excessively suffer with congested and enlarged prostate gland. Problems related to prostate gland reduce semen volume and also affect force of discharge which may not reduce sperm count but surely affect male fertility.
Can Oligospermia Treated?
Yes in most of the cases oligospermia is treatable by proper measures. Dietary and lifestyle changes are capable measures to treat oligospermia and also asthenospermia to make a male fertile. To handle causes which are of more serious nature like side effects of health conditions, un-descended testis or genetic predisposition herbal treatment is reckoned as best and most reliable.
To treat oligospermia in most convenient manner use of Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules in combination is most reliable. These herbal supplements come with herbs that address all the possible causes of the problem and provide fast and safe results. Along with oligospermia these supplements are natural and capable treatments for sexual disorders like premature ejaculation, semen with urine and enlarged prostate gland and also cure erectile dysfunction. Males gain higher libido which allows them to make love frequent enough to make a woman pregnant.
These supplements improve physical health and correct hormonal imbalance and also cleanse blood and vital organs like liver and kidneys to keep blood and systems of the body free from toxins. Some of the herbs used in these are anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing. These herbs diffuse inflammation and remove blockages in canals and blood vessels and improve functions of organs and systems of the body.
Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules can reverse ill-effects of bad habits like alcohol, drugs and smoking which are common causes of oligospermia. These handle even genetic causes and serious disorders like autoimmune disorders, hydrocele, sickle cell anemia etc. which lead to infertility in males by damaging healthy sperms. These are safe supplements and do not cause any adverse effect on health.
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