9 Aphrodisiac Herbs to Increase Male Fertility Get a Woman Pregnant
Gentiana Kuroo Royle (Kutki) – Kutki is one of the famous Ayurvedic herb used to increase male fertility. It has few innate properties that make it useful remedy for handling male infertility. Kutki improves liver functions, energy production and control toxicity. It is powerful antioxidant and inhibits free-radical activities. Use of this herb treats digestive problems like constipation, diarrhoea etc. and it also improves immunity. Overall Gentiana Kuroo Royle or Kutki is good for improving sperm production and protecting healthy sperms from toxin and free-radical damage.

Nigella Sativa Linn (Kalonji) – Kalonji is one of the 9 aphrodisiac herbs that improve male fertility and potency. In researches this herb has shown heartening signs in improving sperm morphology. It is hepatoprotective too and elevates level of testosterone hormone. This herb does not increase testosterone release directly but protects healthy hormone from toxin and free-radical damages making it available to reproductive system in higher volume. Nigella Sativa Linn is part of almost every Ayurvedic treatment taken to get a woman pregnant.
Sida Veronicaefolia (Nagbala) – it is one of the strongest out of 9 aphrodisiac herbs and rejuvenating herb. Sida Veronicaefolia is used for improving strength and release of testosterone hormone. It also treats bleeding disorders and heals wounds faster. Nagbala is prolific in increasing sperm count and cure oligospermia in males safely and naturally.
Piper Longum Linn, (Pipal) – Pipal is one of the oldest Ayurvedic herbs used to treat variety of health problems. This is nutritive and purgatory and also fights back viral and bacterial infections. It is natural remedy for digestive disorders. Piper Longum Linn is boon for sound liver health and comes loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and healthy acids which improve sperm count and motility. It is protector and stimulator of sperms and trusted since ages as supportive for a male’s efforts to get a woman pregnant.
Myristica Fragrans Houtt (Javitri) - It is one of the reliable 9 aphrodisiac herbs that increase male fertility. It is natural remedy for healthy blood circulation. This herb improves flow of blood all over body particularly in pelvic region to improve reproductive system and testicular functions. It is powerful anti-inflammatory and treats prostate and ejaculatory issues. Myristica Fragrans Houtt is efficient stress-buster. Stress is categorized as one of the causes of low sperm count, by relieving stress this herb help males to overcome oligospermia naturally.
Solanum Nigrum (Makoy) – Makoy is categorized as herb which needs to be used very carefully. It is poisonous if used without precaution but very efficient purgatory if used properly. This herb is used to increase male fertility due to its strong anti-bacterial and fungal properties and ability to enhance liver functions and overall metabolic rate. It is natural pain reliever and keeps blood free from toxins. Males suffering with low sperm count due to immune system disorders are recommended Solanum Nigrum as treatment to overcome the problem.
Mica Oxide (Abhrak) – Abhrak has many health benefits which makes it excellent herb for a male trying to get a woman pregnant. It is aphrodisiac, improves heart health and supplements three vital minerals calcium, potassium and magnesium vital for keeping male reproductive system and testicular functions upbeat. It is hepato-protective and nervine tonic and also helps in resolving sexual dysfunctions.
Lactuca Serriola Linn, (Kahu) – Kahu is enriched with minerals and omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. It is highly nutritive and energizing herb which is also regarded as aphrodisiac. It elevates level of vitality and makes reproductive system functional at its peak level. It is rich in iron and brings sound sleep. Lactuca Serriola Linn is anti-stress and anti-depressive herb highly beneficial for treating oligospermia in males.
Anacyclus Pyrethrum (Akarkara) Akarkara is strong aphrodisiac and herb that can singlehandedly cure problem of low sperm count. It improves testosterone secretion and improves testicular functions. It is also very powerful libido enhancer and keeps entire system upbeat. It is brain tonic and treats psychological issues, keeps urinary system healthy and diffuses blockages in canals and blood vessels. Anacyclus Pyrethrum is very useful herb for treating oligospermia.
Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules are rated as best supplements for treatment of low sperm count and low motility problem in males. These supplements come with all these top 9 aphrodisiac herbs that are boon for everlasting fertility and potency and also many more. In combination these supplements reverse ill-effects of ageing, bad habits, health issues, hormonal problems, psychological disorders, and side effects of toxins, medication and pollutants to provide reliable treatment. These supplements not only improve fertility but also cure sexual dysfunctions and problems related to other vital organs to bless a male with fatherhood.
Use of these supplements ensures top quality herbs which provide fast relief for long term. These supplements are safe for male of any age. The herbs used in these are of best quality and these pills do not cause any adverse effect on health. Due to harmlessness of these supplements one can use these without any medical prescription.
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