9 Major Causes of Oligospermia, Low Sperm Count Problem
Oligospermia is caused by variety of reasons. Experts believe that apart from known causes there may be few unknown causes too which may cause the problem. Here is list of 9 major causes of oligospermia. The causes of low sperm count have been chosen on the basis of their popularity.

Varicocele is a type of disorder which causes enlargement of veins in man’s scortum. This enlargement restricts flow of blood towards testicles and deteriorates their functions to decrease sperm production. Varicocele is one of the major causes of low sperm count.
Certain types of infections can affect sperm production, damage healthy sperms and cause scarring to block sperm passage. Viral infections, STDs and other bacterial infections are one of the 9 major causes of oligospermia.
Smoking is another one of the most common causes of male infertility. Smoking allows toxins and heavy metals to flow in blood. It also damages lungs and respiratory system allows pollutants to enter into bloodstream easily. These toxins damage healthy sperms and decrease sperm production.
Alcohol/drug use. Recreational drugs like marijuana, cocaine etc. and alcohol promote male infertility. Alcohol slows down metabolic rate and also affects liver functions. It promotes toxicity and speeds-up ageing process by promoting growth of free-radicals. Alcoholism and drug use are dangerous for health and shrink testicles. These are major causes of low sperm count.
Medical treatments like surgeries of prostate, urinary bladder, urethra or spinal injuries and diabetes block normal passage of semen and pushes semen to enter bladder. This is called retrograde ejaculation which causes low semen volume or no ejaculation to hinder conception.
Hormonal problems can lower sperm production. Testicles work under instructions of pituitary gland to produce sperms. Poor hormonal balance can disturb their communication and cause oligospermia.
There are medications like the ones for ulcer, cancer, bacterial and fungal infections and anabolic steroids which are causes of low sperm count in long run. Beta-blockers, anti-depressants and other medicines for handling psychological problems also cause problem of oligospermia.
Pollutants, industrial chemicals, radiation and heavy metal exposure are other causes of low sperm count. These can find a way into the system via food, water and air and also through commonly used household products like floor cleaners and solvents etc. radiation is highly dangerous and can reduce sperm production permanently.
Problems related to testicles are one of the 9 major causes of oligospermia. Overheating of testicles due to hot water tub bath, sauna etc. or due to long sitting hours, tight underpants etc. can increase temperature of scortum and lower sperm production. Undescended testicles and tumors in testicles lower male fertility by affecting sperm production.
Apart from these there are many other causes of oligospermia which might get unnoticed for a long time or may not appear as harmful. Fat around waist, loss of muscle mass, sudden hair loss etc. are signs of decreasing testosterone level which indicates deteriorating fertility and manliness. Loss of semen with urine due to stressed prostate cause discharge of low semen volume and leads to watery sperms. Males in habit of self-stimulation discharge too frequently which prevents reproductive system from producing healthy sperms. Excessive hand-practice is also cause of poor male fertility due to watery sperms. Obesity, emotional stress and depression also deteriorate male fertility by affecting production of healthy and motile sperms. In most of the causes the problem can be treated by right steps which include diet and lifestyle changes and use of herbs.
For most convenient and effective treatment use of Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules is best. These herbal supplements on regular use address root causes of the problem. These reverse ill-effects of harmful food intake, lifestyle related issues and damaging effects of alcoholism, smoking, drug use and use of steroids etc. these supplements also very effectively alleviate side effects of medication and surgeries to improve male fertility.
Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules are effective treatments for hormonal problems, poor testicular functions, blockages in tubules and canals and problems related to prostate, urinary bladder and urethra. These are powerful libido and potency enhancers along with male fertility and provide natural and safe treatment.
Even in case of males suffering with oligospermia due to exposure to harmful compounds, chemicals and metals these supplements are very effective as curative and preventive remedies. These are powerful anti-ageing and maintain age-defying libido and potency and also relieve sexual disorders like ED and PE. Males suffering with the problem due to poor sexual behavior also gain improvement due to positive effects of these herbal supplements.
The best part of these supplements is ease of use. There is no complicated method of use and all one needs to do is consume few pills in a day. These are safe and can be used as preventive remedies by people suffering with obesity, metabolic disorders, involved in harmful occupations etc. These can be used by male of any age and for any duration without any worries about side effects. These are non-contradictory and cause no harm even if one is taking other medicines.
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