9 Sperm Killer Foods That Decrease Sperm Count And Motility
There are foods that cast negative effect over male’s potency and also fertility. Males most often consume these foods without knowledge that these are actually killing their sperms and making them infertile. Here we have listed 9 sperm killer foods that decrease sperm count and deteriorate male’s fertility. By eating healthy foods and avoiding foods that decrease sperm motility and count male can achieve fertility and fatherhood without any treatment.

Alcohol – this is one of the most common and deadliest low sperm count foods. Males who are habitual drinkers or have been drinking alcohol for a long time suffer with low sperm count due to many reasons. Not only pure alcohol even alcohol-based products deteriorate male fertility by slowing down sperm production. The substances and elements alcohol contains can damage healthy sperms and make them useless to cause problem. Excessive or regular alcohol consumption affects liver health and also throws hormone secretion off-balance. Alcohol is at top of the list of 9 sperm killer foods that decrease sperm count.
Canned foods – the foods that come in tin cans are dangerous for male fertility. Recent researches have concluded that Bisphenol A or BPA raisins used in canned foods kills healthy sperms and lowers their production too. Perfluoroalkyl acid used in these foods also harms sperm production and cause low sperm count. However the quantity which one can safely eat is still unknown so it is better to stick to eating freshly cooked food items in place of canned ones. Avoid canned foods that decrease sperm motility and count for better fertility.
Pig Meat – meat or organ meat of pigs is hazardous for male fertility. If you are fond of pig meat or cuisines made by using one it is time to quit. Kidneys of pigs in particular are very harmful for male fertility as these contain high amount of cadmium which damages sperms. Even heart, liver, intestines and stomach of pig are dangerous and few of the 9 sperm killer foods that decrease sperm count. If a male smokes too pig meat can be devastating for fertility.
Tofu and fortified soy products – these foods are recommended due to high protein content. But always remember that these are rich in estrogen hormone which is main hormone of females. Excessive presence of estrogen hormone lowers sperm production and even promotes poor sperm motility. Too much use of Tofu products is one of the causes of Azoospermia.
Fish – in general fish are reckoned as healthy foods but there are varieties of fishes that can be harmful and cause oligospermia. Fishes like tuna, swordfish, tilefish etc. are few to name that can cause infertility not only in males but also in females. These fishes contain high amount of mercury which can harm functions of reproductive system. For males these are foods that decrease sperm motility.
Aerated and carbonated drinks – these are commonly used as refreshments. People consume these with meals as well and also to relieve thirst. If you are planning to have a baby stay away from these drinks not only because of high sugar content but also because of aspartame. These drinks contain aspartame which causes Azoospermia.
Processed/junk food – not only these kinds of foods gives broader waist and bulging belly but also harm manliness. Regular consumption of processed meat lowers testosterone level in males which can cause poor mental health, low muscle mass, fat around waist and most importantly oligospermia. Junk food due to high saturated fats and acidic nature is also dangerous for male fertility.
Whole dairy products – these are full of fat but more dangerous than fat is that cattle can consume grass and other vegetation which may contain metals and chemicals contamination. These metals, chemicals etc. can come along with milk and milk products made by using whole milk and harm male fertility. Whole milk and its products on regular use are foods cause male infertility.
Inorganic foods – veggies, fruits and even wholegrain grown by using fertilizers and inorganic methods have contamination of pesticides and other chemicals and heavy metals. Such veggies and fruits are harmful for health and also such foods cause male infertility. Make an effort to get organically grown veggies and fruits and wholegrain to stay away from the problem.
Use of Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules along with healthy diet is excellent to boost-up male fertility. These pills come with herbs that address the causes of male infertility and resolve problem naturally. These pills promote production of healthy and motile sperms in higher number and also improve male’s vitality and potency. These even reverse damaging effects of poor diet, ageing, health conditions and bad habits like smoking, alcoholism etc.
Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules are safe and harmless and work for male of any age. These are not only curative but also protective remedies and can be used by males to maintain their fertility. Use of this supplement is simplest and most convenient way to get rid of low sperm count or motility and achieve fatherhood easily.
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