How to Increase Sperm Count Fast with 15 Best Natural Foods?
There are super-foods that can really help males struggling to get sufficient number of sperms in their ejaculate and achieve fatherhood. Here is list of best foods to increase sperm count and motility and achieve fatherhood.
Eggs – these are rich in vitamin E, protein and also inhibit free-radicals which can damage healthy sperms and lower their number. Regular intake of eggs is how to increase sperm count fast naturally.

Bananas – this fruit contain Bromelaine which is strong anti-inflammatory enzyme that promotes production of healthy and motile sperms. This fruit is also rich source of vitamin A, B1 and C and one of the best foods to increase sperm count and sperm motility.Eggs – these are rich in vitamin E, protein and also inhibit free-radicals which can damage healthy sperms and lower their number. Regular intake of eggs is how to increase sperm count fast naturally.

Asparagus – this veggie is widely used to treat variety of problems related to male reproductive system. It is rich in vitamin C and possesses properties that increase semen production in males.
Broccoli – like any other green veggies it is rich in folate which is crucial vitamin for increasing sperm production and protecting healthy ones from damage. Regular intake of broccoli gives sufficient amount of folate and works as easy way how to increase sperm count fast.
Pomegranates – either in raw or juice form this fruit is well-known since old times for improving male fertility. It scavenges free-radicals and improves testicular functions. It is one of the best foods to increase sperm production.
Spinach – this green leafy vegetable is full of folic acid and suppresses production of malformed sperms. It also improves their motility and allows them to break protective layer of egg and fertilize it. One of the super foods produces sperm fast with higher motility.
Walnuts – these supplement omega-3 fatty acids and L-arginine. Both these ingredients are wonderful for improving brain functions and reproductive system of a male. Regular consumption of walnuts is easy way how to increase sperm count fast.
Barley – it is full of fiber and zinc. Use of barley in place of wheat is not only good for people suffering with diabetes but also great for male fertility. Barley as regular food increase sperm motility naturally and sperm count.
Beans – best sources of plant-based protein and dietary fiber. These are excellent for maintaining optimum fertility due to high zinc oxide supplementation. Beans as regular food boost male fertility by improving sperm count and semen volume.
Red meat – for people eating non-veggie diet red meat is safe and good food to increase sperm production and motility. It is low on fat and rich in protein and works as boost-up for male reproductive system.
Garlic – it is mainly for improving immunity and thinning of blood but its ingredients are great for improving male reproductive system functions and also protect healthy sperms form microbial damages. As part of diet it is good food t treat oligospermia.
Oysters – due to high zinc content this is food as good as medicine to treat oligospermia. If it is available, as regular food increase sperm motility naturally and increase chances of conception. Other seafood such as crab and lobster are also excellent as regular food boost male fertility.
Milk or dairy – low-fat versions of dairy products are sources of vitamin B12. This vitamin improves sperm count and motility and most importantly protects sperm DNA from damage. Dairy products as regular foods produce sperm fast and protect them from damage to improve male fertility.
Brussels sprout – rich in folate like other green veggies and also in vitamin C. so it works as promoter of sperm production and also protects it from damage. It is one of the super foods to increase sperm production.
Oranges – these are rich in vitamin C and come next as best fruits to increase sperm count in males after bananas. In raw or juice forms both ways oranges are good foods to improve male fertility.
Along with these foods use of Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules ensure optimum male fertility and libido. These are herbal supplements that come with combination of herbs to address entire range of causes which deteriorate male fertility. From low libido to poor testicular functions these supplements can handle most difficult causes of the problem naturally and without any adverse effect on health. These improve male vitality by improving metabolism and nutritional supplementation and eliminate deficiencies. Higher vitality supports male reproductive system and improves male fertility and drive.
These come with aphrodisiac herbs that improve testosterone secretion and guide flow of energy and nutrition towards male reproductive system. These protect testicles from infections, free-radical mechanism and toxins and delay process of tissue ageing as well.
Males suffering with problems like poor prostate gland health, blocked sperm canals or urinary canal and disorders like ED also gain immense benefits and achieve fatherhood easily. These supplements due to their herbal nature are safe and harmless and can be used by male of any age as sure-shot treatment for male weaknesses and poor fertility.
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