13 Shocking Signs of Oligospermia That Every Male Must Know

Generally, males become aware of oligospermia when they try to impregnate a woman. This problem usually does not cause any symptoms.

oligospermia symptoms

Oligospermia is a condition where males have low sperm count and are unable to impregnate a woman whereas azoospermia is a complete absence of sperms in semen, both the conditions can remain asymptomatic and hidden till male tries to achieve fatherhood.

Here are 13 shocking signs of oligospermia which can give indications and male can get sperm count checked beforehand. These low sperm count symptoms or risk factors raise timely alarm bell for the male to take right measures and avoid delays in extending progeny.
  • Exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, radiations etc. are high-risk factors that can promote male infertility. Males working in such environment or living in places where water or air is polluted or there is a risk of heavy metal contamination or harmful radiations shall get their sperm count checked from time to time. These conditions damage healthy sperms and promote male infertility. Erectile dysfunction is one of the 13 shocking signs of oligospermia
  • The problem of ED arises due to poor blood flow in the genital region or low testosterone secretion. There are other causes of ED as well and all of these also increase chances of oligospermia in a male. A large percentage of males suffering from ED has been found low on sperm count too which is why signs of ED are regarded as symptoms of oligospermia as well. 
  • Reducing the volume of semen is another condition which is a sign of male infertility. Low volume of seminal fluids interferes with smooth conception as sperms die at a rapid pace. Reducing the volume of seminal fluids also signifies the poorly performing reproductive system. Low semen volume is one of the 13 shocking signs of oligospermia. 
  • Low libido and male frigidity are also possible to low sperm count symptoms. Male frigidity particularly at a younger age than 50 years is a symptom of oligospermia in most of the cases. The major causes of low libido in males which is low testosterone secretion or higher estrogen presence are also potent causes of poor fertility. These conditions lower sperm count and reduce sperm motility to make a male less capable of achieving fatherhood.
  • Varicocele is a health problem which affects a male’s fertility and lowers sperm count. If diagnosed with this health problem oligospermia treatment is needed to maintain fertility and reproductive system healthy. 
  • Ejaculatory problems generally arise due to blockages in urinary or sperm canals and prostate problems. Semen with urine, pain and burning during urination or discharge during a bowel movement are symptoms retrograde ejaculation triggered by prostate problems. These are low sperm count symptoms as well as male is unable to transfer an entire load of sperms and fails to impregnate a woman. 
  • Certain types of medications increase the risk of infertility in males. Antidepressant, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, steroid and long term use of antifungal and antibacterial medicines increase chances of oligospermia in males. 
  • Surgeries like vasectomy, hernia repairs, testicular surgeries etc. are also causes of low sperm count and males undergone any of these shall take oligospermia treatment after diagnosis. 
  • STDs and viral infections that affect testicles or epididymis are causes of poor fertility and signs of the problem. Males affected with such infections are at high risk of oligospermia. 
  • Undescended testicles also signify the presence of the problem which can be oligospermia and even azoospermia in many cases. 
  • Hormonal imbalance caused by adrenal or pituitary gland malfunctions also raise chances of the problem. These issues shall be treated as signs of oligospermia or azoospermia. 
  • Drug use, alcoholism, emotional stress, depression and smoking increase chances of infertility in males. Males even after recovery need a proper diagnosis to be sure of their fertility and sperm count. 
  • Health conditions like diabetes, thyroid problems and obesity. Unhealthy lifestyle and overheating of testicles damage healthy sperms and reduce their number. Males facing any of these conditions are at risk of suffering from oligospermia. 
herbal treatment for oligospermia

Best Cure for Oligospermia and Azoospermia

Spermac and Vital M-40 capsules are herbal supplements that provide the most effective safe and fast treatment for oligospermia and azoospermia.

These supplements come with herbs that have been used in Ayurveda to cure azoospermia and boost-up male fertility.

Use of these supplements reverse ill-effects of health condition, unhealthy lifestyle and medication and even damages caused by unhealthy or hazardous living or working conditions.

These are suitable for males of all ages and do not come with any withdrawal symptoms.

Males enjoy much better fertility and virility till later age after using these supplements.

These supplements not only cure azoospermia and oligospermia but also work as reliable preventive remedies.

Males at high risk of developing these conditions can use these supplements to prevent infertility naturally.

These come with an effective cure for ejaculatory problems and sexual dysfunctions caused by poor hormonal secretion or poor vitality.


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